Advise Mike’s estate, Bob, Laura, and Ahmed as to any action (s) in tort they have available, and their chances of success. Module Code: LX Module Title: Tort Law. Answer: Mike and Laura can claim that Dale Cooper Construction Company (DCCC) is vicariously liable for the torts of negligence committed by Bob They are not able to comprehend the requirements clearly due to which they are not able to draft a good piece of work. To resolve this problem, we have introduced business law coursework help so that students’ life can be made easier. It’s now time to think wisely and act smartly in choosing the one that is best. Best Online Law Coursework Help UK. When we say Best, we mean it! We have a team of professional and experienced writers who belong to the field of business law/5(K) A company is a "corporation" - an artificial person created by law. A human being is a "natural" person. A company is a "legal" person. A company thus has legal rights and obligations in the same way that a natural person does. 2. Companies and Partnerships Compared (a) A company can be created only by certain prescribed methods - mostFile Size: KB
Business Law Assignment help from Legal Experts Online
Take Practice Test. Course Objective The course objective is to explore the history of constitutional law and learn about employment and international business law. Grading Policy Your grade for this course will be calculated out of points.
The table below shows the assignments you must complete and how they'll be incorporated into the overall grade. Assignment Possible Points Quizzes Proctored Final Exam Total Quizzes Quizzes are meant to test your comprehension of each lesson as you progress through the course. Here's a breakdown of how you will be graded on quizzes and how company law coursework help factor into your final score:.
The proctored final exam is a cumulative test designed to ensure that you've mastered the material in the course. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:.
Business consists of short video lessons that are organized into topical chapters. Each video is approximately minutes in length and comes with a quick quiz to help you measure your learning, company law coursework help. The course is completely self-paced. Watch lessons on your schedule whenever and wherever you want.
At the end of each chapter, you can complete a chapter test to see if company law coursework help ready to move on or have some material to review. Once you've completed the entire course, take the practice test and use the study tools in the course to prepare for the proctored final exam. You may take the proctored final exam whenever you are ready. How Credit Recommendations Work This course has been evaluated and recommended by both ACE and NCCRS for 3 semester hours in the lower division baccalaureate degree category.
To apply for transfer credit, follow these steps:. Course Topics Category Objectives History of American Law Discover the origins of American law, explain the purpose of businesss law, and define precedent and stare decisis. Constitutional Law Explore the highest law in the land, company law coursework help.
Take a deeper look at the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 14th amendments as well as important constitutional clauses, company law coursework help. Sources of Law Survey the differences between civil law, company law coursework help, criminal law, private law, public law, substantive law and procedural law. Learn about local, federal and state ordinances, and the rule of law. American Legal Systems Examine the structure and jurisdiction of government and the federal and state court systems.
Legal Procedures See what happens during a lawsuit, company law coursework help, including pretrial pleadings, defendant's motions, jury selection and the appeals process.
Contract Law Basics Study the basics of contract terms. Learn about parties to a contract, contract termination and types of contracts. Capacity in Contract Company law coursework help Discover legal capacity as it relates to contracts with minors, intoxicated persons and the mentally ill.
Contract Law and Third Party Beneficiaries Take a look at the rights of third party beneficiaries, promisors and promisees. Contracts: Assignment and Delegation Explore the parties involved in contract assignment. Learn more about the rights of individuals entering a contract, and find out how duties under a contract are delegated.
Contracts: Statute of Frauds Learn more about contracts that fall within the statute of frauds. Explore exceptions to this statute. Contracts: Scopes and Meanings Study certainty of terms, rules of interpretation and construction, implied terms, the parol evidence rule and contract conditions. Contracts: Breach of Contract Study the types of contract breach alongside remedies for breach of contract and defenses to contract enforcement.
Property Law Examine intellectual property topics including trademark and patent infringement, copyright law and trade secrets. Study topics related to real property laws. Torts in Business Law Examine concepts relating to company law coursework help, including transferred intent for assault and battery, negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Examine the types of defenses mounted against torts litigation.
Product Liability and Consumer Protection Define product liability and consumer protection. Learn about defective product liability in addition to credit protection, privacy protection and unfair competition laws, company law coursework help.
Contracts: Discharge of Contracts Explore methods for discharging contracts, such as mutual agreement, recission and novation. Study examples of contractual and statutory illegality in contracts. Creditors' Rights Explore the collection rights of creditors. The Role of Agency in Business Law Survey the different types of agency, company law coursework help.
Review the duties and contractual liabilities of agents and principles. The Legal Environment Analyze legal ethics, attorney professional ethics, and take a look at white collar crime. Learn about the formation of UCC contracts, buyer acceptance and rejection, seller's right to cure, warranties and buyer's remedies.
Securities and Antitrust Law Discover concepts related to this area of law, such as the regulation process and exempt securities and transactions. By upgrading now, you will immediately have access to all features associated with your new plan.
Because the change is in the middle of your billing cycle, your next charge will include the prorated amount for the rest of this month. For more info check our FAQ's. This Study. com course has been evaluated and recommended for college credit. Once you've completed this course, you can take the proctored final exam and potentially earn credit.
Follow the steps below to take the exam. Did you know… We have over college courses that prepare you to earn credit by exam that is accepted by over 1, company law coursework help, colleges and universities.
You can test out of the first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Anyone can earn credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. Not sure what college you want to attend yet? com has thousands of articles about every imaginable degree, area of study and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you.
Select a version of Business For College Credit For Studying For Teaching. for Teachers for Schools for Working Scholars® for College Credit. Log in. Sign Up. for Working Scholars® for College Credit.
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Explore over 4, video courses. Career Company law coursework help All Career Planning Careers and Occupations Career and Education Roadmaps Job Outlook and Salary Information. Schools By Degree Level All Schools By Degree Level High School Diplomas Associate Degrees Bachelors Degrees Certificate Programs Masters Degrees Doctorate Degrees Graduate Certificate Programs.
Transfer Credit All Transfer Credit Find Your School College Courses for Credit Transferring Credit How It Works. Overview Syllabus Credit Tests. Course type: Self-paced Available Lessons: Average Lesson Length: 8 min Eligible for Credit: Yes Earn transferable credit by taking this course for credit.
Watch a preview:. Business Introductory Business Law Practice Test. Company law coursework help about online credit? Call us or request info by email. Course Summary Business Introductory Business Law has been evaluated and recommended for 3 semester hours and may be transferred to over 2, colleges and universities.
The course contains bite-sized lessons, interactive quizzes and expert instruction. Take the course to save company law coursework help and money on your degree program.
Create an account to start this course today, company law coursework help. expand all collapse all.
Course Practice Test Check your knowledge of this course with a question practice test, company law coursework help. Comprehensive test covering all topics Detailed video explanations for wrong answers. Take Practice Test View all practice tests in this course. Week {{::cp. getGoalWeekForTopic 0, 14 }}. The U. Go to chapter The U. getGoalWeekForTopic 1, 14 }}. getGoalWeekForTopic 2, 14 }}. Course Progress Best Score Lesson 1 - What Is an Offer in Contract Law?
getGoalWeekForTopic 3, 14 }}. getGoalWeekForTopic 4, company law coursework help, 14 }}.
Business Associations Bar Review (Agency): Most Tested Areas of Law on the Bar Exam
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Coursework Writing Service. Our Law Coursework Writing Service can tackle any question or problem! If you're in need of some support with a tricky piece of coursework, our expert legal writers are on hand to help. Our service guarantees high-quality, plagiarism free coursework written by the best experts, and your work will always be personalised to meet your needs They are not able to comprehend the requirements clearly due to which they are not able to draft a good piece of work. To resolve this problem, we have introduced business law coursework help so that students’ life can be made easier. It’s now time to think wisely and act smartly in choosing the one that is best. Best Online Law Coursework Help UK. When we say Best, we mean it! We have a team of professional and experienced writers who belong to the field of business law/5(K) Course Summary Business Introductory Business Law has been evaluated and recommended for 3 semester hours and may be transferred to
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