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Essay on the black death

Essay on the black death

essay on the black death

1 day ago · Essay on my favourite tv serial in english recent flood in pakistan essay. Essay about being the oldest sibling essay on black money and indian economy. 12 steps writing research paper pdf, persuasive essay on cheating in relationships emerson history essay analysis, essayer means what in french blood sports ielts essay. Writer's digest Feb 21,  · Also, the death penalty has a negative effect on African American culture. For instance, African Americans make up around 13% of the population in the US, but the percentage of death row prisoners who are black is around 50 (Goodman). It demonstrates that there is a higher possibility for a black person to be executed than for a white person Like all ancient marble sculpture, funerary statues and grave stelai were brightly painted, and extensive remains of red, black, blue, and green pigment can still be seen. Many of the finest Attic grave monuments stood in a cemetery located in the outer Kerameikos, an area on the northwest edge of Athens just outside the gates of the ancient

Why Were the Jews Blamed for the Black Death?

Wikimedia Commons. In the first half of the 14th century, Europe was undergoing significant changes. Cities grew in importance, though most of the population was still rural. Population increases had led to overuse of the available land. Poor harvests—also due to cooler, wetter weather—led to famines. The serf system was being undermined. Centralized political authority was becoming more powerful. Then the Black Death cut a path—both literal and figurative—through the middle of the 14th century.

The disease essay on the black death caused by the bubonic plague, which was spread by rats, whose fleas carried the plague bacilli from the East along trade routes until it penetrated almost all of Europe, killing at least one out of every three people. Such a radical alteration in population in any place, at any time, would likely set off dramatic changes in society, essay on the black death.

What happened in a Europe already beginning to transform? In this lesson, students analyze maps, firsthand accounts, and archival documents to trace the path and aftermath of the Black Death, essay on the black death. Analyze the movement and impact of the Black Death using visuals, including maps, charts, and graphs.

Analyze the environmental, ecological, and labor related changes that occurred in Europe during and as a result of the Black Death, essay on the black death. Assess how the onset of the Black Death resulted in changes within political, economic, and social institutions. Explain how a question reflects an enduring issue in the field. Evaluate how historical events and developments were shaped by unique circumstances of time and place as well as broader historical contexts.

Analyze change and continuity in historical eras. Use maps, satellite images, photographs, and other representations to explain relationships between the locations of places and regions and their political, cultural, and economic essay on the black death. Gather relevant information from multiple sources representing a wide range of views while using the origin, authority, structure, context, and corroborative value of the sources to guide the selection.

The following materials from EDSITEment resources may be useful to teachers seeking expert advice on the use of primary documents:. Analysis of Primary Sources on The Library of Congress, a link from American Memory, may be helpful to students preparing to interpret primary documents. This succinct but valuable lesson offers three basic steps for analyzing primary sources:. In October ofin Messina, Italy, on the island of Sicily, the plague first arrived in Europe. To introduce this devastating disease, share with your students this background on the Black Death and discuss the following:.

NOTE: Details of the symptoms of the disease and the practice of medicine at the time are not the focus of the lesson and should be regarded as an extension for individual research. However, explain to students that most medical authorities agree that the disease called the Black Death was bubonic plague spread by fleas on rats and originated in Asia.

Although the exact cause was unknown until much later, the disease was virtually untreatable without modern antibiotics. Students with such interests can conduct their own exploration into what was believed regarding the causes and treatment of the disease at the time, and the probable effect of some of the measures taken to prevent the spread of disease and on hygiene in general.

See Extending the Essay on the black death below. After completing the class discussion on the movement of the plague, have students work independently using the The Path of the Black Death and the downloadable PDF, The Path of the Black Death in Europe. When students have finished working independently on the map exercise, have volunteers share with the class their answers to the questions. Now, essay on the black death, share with your students the Description of the Plaguewhich states that the plague arrived at Messina on Genoese ships.

The immediate effects of the plague were devastating. Essay on the black death this activity students will read primary sources in order to gain a better understanding of the spread and effects of the disease.

Begin by asking students what answers, if any, primary sources can provide for the following:. Discuss the likely answers to the questions above after students have read one or more additional firsthand accounts of the plague on its path through Europe, such as:. Next, discuss the extent of the plague after reading with the class the first two paragraphs of an account contemporary to the plague, Jean de Venette on the Essay on the black death of the Black Death accessible through a link from EDSITEment resource Internet Public Librarystarting with the words, "Some said that this pestilence …" third paragraph It offers a witness' perspective on the progress of the disease in Europe.

Share the map Spread of the Black Death accessible through EDSITEment resource Geoffrey Chaucerwhich shows a more comprehensive view of the extent of the plague. Wikipedia Commons. In Florence, Italy, after the plague subsided, an attempt was made to calculate the effect on the population.

Share the very brief description The Death Tollkeeping in mind that the count may be exaggerated; modern demographic studies estimate the population of Florence in atand by the number of people counted had fallen to around 37, However accurate the estimates are, it is undeniable that Florence suffered a huge, swift population loss.

Then share with the class and discuss the Social and Economic Effects of the Plague. More information about the impact of the disease in rural areas can be found in this article from the Smithsonian Magazine. NOTE: Precise population figures were not always kept in medieval towns and cities. Undoubtedly, the devastation of the plague and the need to dispose of bodies quickly adds to the difficulty we essay on the black death now in determining precise mortality rates.

Now the class is ready to make some predictions as to the likely secondary effects of the plague. Write their predictions on a chart or on the board for future reference. Earlier in the 14th century, Europe had experienced widespread famine due to population growth and overuse of the land.

Lead a discussion with the class about what students predict about the likely effects of the plague experience and a large decrease in population in midth-century Europe. How do the following dimensions of society change? Next, have students read the first six essay on the black death of the analysis In the Wake of the Black Death stopping after the sentence, "Everywhere their rents were in steady decline after the plague" at the end of paragraph six accessible through a link from Internet Public Library.

If desired, read additional secondary accounts on the effects of the plague such as Economic Disruption and the remaining paragraphs of Population Loss both accessible through a link from EDSITEment-reviewed website Geoffrey Chaucer.

Divide the class into three groups. Present the following assignments [found in the Student Study Activity for Groups 1, Group 2, and Group 3 —or PDFs ] to the groups. Each is designed to present insight into one aspect of the effect of the plague on life in Europe in the late 14th Century. In general, students should approach their reading of each primary source using the following general questions as a guide:.

When the groups have completed the assignments from the PDFs, have each group stage its interview s. As a class, essay on the black death, look back at and evaluate the predictions the class made. Refashion each by consensus into a statement about what actually happened. The Black Death in Europe in the midth Century devastated the population, which was a terrible tragedy.

Survivors found themselves in a changed world. Compare and contrast the likely ways in which the lives and attitudes of a peasant and a member of the ruling class would have been different after the plague than if the plague had never happened. The student should pick two or three aspects of life that might have changed. In the body of the essay, discuss each aspect in a paragraph or more, highlighting the differences for the peasant and for the member of the ruling class.

To support the argument, the student should use information from the primary sources the class has encountered. Students who want to know more about medieval healing practices can begin to explore their interest through the EDSITEment resource Learner. This website offers an exhibit on the Middle Ages, including a self-guiding, interactive activity on Health featuring Try Your Hand at Medieval Medicine.

The home page of Health also offers links to web sites with further information. If desired, students can report back to the class what they have learned. Is plague still contractible? Do people in the United States contract plague? Data from the Centers for Disease Control CDC show that it has occurred recently.

Transcribed and edited primary accounts from Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Skip to main content. GOV NEH-Edsitement. EDSITEment is a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities Facebook Twitter.

Lesson Plan. Photo caption. Map showing the spread of the Black Death in Europe between and How did the Black Death essay on the black death the political, economic, and social institutions of Europe? What medical and other technological developments came as a result of the Black Death?

How did the Black Death effect the ecology and environment of Europe? To what extent did the Black Death mark essay on the black death beginning of a new era for Europeans? Evaluate the short and long-term effects of the Black Death in Europe and elsewhere. Lesson Plan Details Background. Satan Triumphant: The Black Deathessay on the black death, from lecture note on the History Guide, maintained by Steven Kreis, accessible through a link from the EDSITEment-reviewed Internet Public Library, offers a brief summary of the Black Death in Europe.

For discussion essay on the black death the likely social and economic effects of the Black Death read Social and Economic Effects of the Plague accessible through a link from the EDSITEment resource Decameron Web.

NEH-funded Professor Monica Green Arizona State University has put together a syllabus for educators teaching the Black Death and contributed to the Black Death Digital Archive Project.

Prepare a handout for a Description of the Plague. Be sure to remove the first sentence, which ends with the word "Messina," and the sentence beginning "When the inhabitants of Messina discovered," as they reveal that Genoese traders first brought the disease.

This witness' account written ten years after the fact by Michael Platiensis can be accessed through a link from EDSITEment website Geoffrey Chaucer. Students needing general background on life in the Middle Ages can view the exhibit The Middle Ages offered by the EDSITEment resource Learner.

Create three student groups to work on Activity 3, The Dark Path of the Black Death. If desired, and you have sufficient time for more presentations, you can make six groups with two groups assigned essay on the black death each challenge. In this lesson, students use firsthand accounts in learning about the Black Death. Students need to be aware of the effect of point of view and the potential for bias in such sources, essay on the black death.

EDSITEment resources offer some useful materials designed to help students and teachers work with primary sources.

The Catholic Church and the Black Death in the 14th Century - Free Essay Sample

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The Path of the Black Death | NEH-Edsitement

essay on the black death

Sep 18,  · The Digital Death of the Collector. In the essay, Benjamin narrates removing his book collection from dusty crates, untouched for years. and save. The responsibility of collecting has been removed, but that means we offload it to the black box of the automatic recommendation system. Over the past two decades, the collecting of culture 1 day ago · Essay on my favourite tv serial in english recent flood in pakistan essay. Essay about being the oldest sibling essay on black money and indian economy. 12 steps writing research paper pdf, persuasive essay on cheating in relationships emerson history essay analysis, essayer means what in french blood sports ielts essay. Writer's digest The best way to explore the pros and cons of death penalty laws is to read an argumentative essay on this issue. Since the countries that retain this punishment are home to over 60% of the world’s population, an essay on death penalty should outline how national laws treat this topic

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