Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Essay on seven wonders of the world

Essay on seven wonders of the world

essay on seven wonders of the world

 · The seven wonders of the ancient world is a list of very important buildings a great Greek historian called Herodotus wrote, over two thousand years ago. They are seven because he only wrote about the greatest structures he knew, he did not know much Asia and the Americas. People have always felt the need to create lists The Great Pyamid of Giza is One of the Seven Wonders of the World It was the tallest structure in the world for 3, years(Sen). The pyramids are a good place for tourism, because they are a nice way to see how things have changed dramatically over decades ago The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus in Olympia, the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria

Seven Wonders of the World - blogger.com

The seven wonders of the ancient world is a list of very important buildings a great Greek historian called Herodotus wrote, over two thousand years ago. They are seven because he only wrote about the greatest structures he knew, he did not know much Asia and the Americas. People have always felt the need to create lists. Lists are accounts of vital places, places, people or events. About two thousand five hundred years ago a Greek historian named Herodotus is said to have made a list of what he thought were the greatest structures in the world.

His list of places became known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. A wonder is a feeling created by something strange and amazing, essay on seven wonders of the world. Although there are several wonders in the world there are seven which are recognized as being ancient. These are the buildings most associated with Egypt. They are found at a place called Giza which is a necropolis of ancient Memphis Ancient wonders of the world. The pyramid age, which has a life span of over four thousand years, began when buildings began to crop up within the third dynasty under the reigns of Djoser.

It is believed the shape symbolized the prehistoric knoll from which they believed life emerged. The bigger sizes of these pyramids symbolize the powers which were essay on seven wonders of the world upon the Pharaohs, essay on seven wonders of the world, the power and success of their country. They are also known as the hanging gardens of Semiramis. It was built by Nebuchadnezzar II in BCE, to please his beloved wife Semiramis.

Historically the Garden was feet long by feet wide and built in tiers to resemble a theatre The seven wonders of the ancient world. There is a big doubt amongst historians and archaeologists if this paradise ever existed. It is believed that this garden was built in the middle of a Mesopotamian desert. The garden was irrigated by the River Euphrates by the use of chain pumps. This is a seated sculpture of Zeus who was the king of the Greek gods. Essay on seven wonders of the world measured 39 essay on seven wonders of the world tall.

It was made by a great sculptor called Phidias, and erected in the Zeus temple in BC at Olympia. It is made of plated Bronze and Ivory Romer, John p There are many myths to the cause of its destruction; some claim that it was destroyed by the lauseion fire in while others say it burnt with the temple in AD The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

This is a shrine built by an architect named Theodorus. It was feet in length and feet in height. It was built for the Greek goddess of fertility called Ephesus Artemis, essay on seven wonders of the world. The temple was the pride of Ephesus until one man named Herostratus burnt the temple to the ground.

This temple offered a place for worship of this goddess by the Greek. Although it was destroyed its importance made the people build it back severally, although it was finally destroyed in a raid in BC, essay on seven wonders of the world. At the moment place where the building stood is a marshy field.

A single column is built to remind tourists its existence as an ancient wonder. This is a special tomb built by queen Artemisia as attribute to her husband king Mausolus. Because of its beauty and specialty it became one of the seven ancient wonders. After the death of Alexander the great, his generals fought severely to take over this kingdom. Ptolemy, Antigous and Seleucus managed to divide the kingdom among them. Because Ptolemy received much support from the people of the Rhode Island, Antigous became so angry that he sent his son Demetrius to punish the residents of the island.

Although Demetrius had a large army, he was defeated by the Rhodians who were smart Clayton, Peter A. To celebrate their victory, they decided to build a huge statue of the god Helios. It stood over 30 meters high making it one of the tallest statues of the ancient world. This is a tower built in third century, on the Pharos Island in Egypt to serve as the Islands land mark.

It is believed it was ruined because of an earthquake in AD. The great pyramids are used for research; this research is carried out to know the history of the ancient Egypt. By studying these pyramids one gets to know the way of life, culture and beliefs of the Egyptian. Artifacts and writings inside these pyramid enables us learn more about early civilization. They also serve as tourist destination. Many people all over the world come to Egypt in large numbers just to see this great wonder.

We need these wonders to help us know why they were built, like the Colossus of Rhodes was built to celebrate victory over war. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus is needed because it symbolizes love because it shows us how special love is. These wonders are also needed to show people their heritage and culture. Lastly we need them to find out their significance and importance in the modern world. They could have been compared with the modern wonders to find out the differences as to why they are referred to as being ancient.

Clayton, Peter A. et al. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. New York: Routledge, Pathak, Reena. Romer, John et al. The Seven Wonders of the World: A History of the Modern Imagination. New York: Henry Holt, We will revise your paper until you are completely satisfied. Moreover, you are free to request a different writer to rewrite your paper entirely, should you be unhappy with the writing style, level of research, communication, etc.

Otherwise, we will just give you your money back. No one will ever find out that you have used our service. We guarantee that your personal information as well as any other data related to your order s will remain confidential to the extent allowed by law.

It will not be shared with any third party unless you provide a written consent, essay on seven wonders of the world. Service Highlights. Our Writers. Work Samples. Support Center. Order Now. The great pyramids of Egypt These essay on seven wonders of the world the buildings most associated with Egypt.

The hanging gardens of Babylon They are also known as the hanging gardens of Semiramis. The statue of Zeus at Olympia This is a seated sculpture of Zeus who was the king of the Greek gods.

The temple of Artemis at Ephesus This is a shrine built by an architect named Theodorus. The mausoleum at Halicarnassus This is a special tomb built by queen Artemisia as attribute to her husband king Mausolus.

The Colossus of Rhodes After the death of Alexander the great, his generals fought severely to take over this kingdom. The light house of Alexandria This is a tower built in third century, on the Pharos Island in Egypt to serve as the Islands land mark. Conclusion The great pyramids are used for research; this research is carried out to know the history of the ancient Egypt. html Clayton, Peter A. New York: Routledge, Pathak, Reena. Filed under: Sample essays — Tags: Colossus of Rhodesgardenslight house Alexandriamausoleumpyramidsstatue essay on seven wonders of the world Zeustemple of Artemis — admin am.

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Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - 3D DOCUMENTARY

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The Seven Wonders of Ancient World Essay - Words | Bartleby

essay on seven wonders of the world

 · The Seven New Wonders of the World are: Taj Mahal (India) Great Wall of China (China) Ruins of Petra (Jordan) The Coloseum (Rome) Statue of Christ Redeemer (Brazil) Perus Machu Picchu (Peru) Chichen Itza Pyramid (Mexico) Essay No. 03 The Seven New Wonders of The World. Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus in Olympia, the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria  · SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD Various lists of the Wonders of the World have been compiled from antiquity to the present day, to catalogue the world's most spectacular natural wonders and manmade blogger.com Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among

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